Would you like to support Friends?
Consider becoming a member!
Membership runs from January 1st through December 31st, and meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month.
To become a member, please fill out your online membership form here.
Or download a printable form here to mail.
There is no obligation to actively participate as a Friend.
We are happy to have you as a supporter of the
Attleboro Public Library in any capacity.
You may pay for membership by check or by clicking on the donate button below to pay through PayPal or by using your credit/debit card.
Checks can made out and mailed to:
Friends of Attleboro Public Library
74 Main Street
Attleboro, MA 02703
Friends are a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization and donations are tax deductible.
Checks should include your address, email and phone for tax purposes.
Levels of Donation and Membership

Would you consider becoming a
sustaining member?
By clicking the donate button above, you can choose to make your contribution monthly through PayPal or your credit/debit card.
The size of the gift doesn’t matter – by this simple show of support, you give us the resources and ability to support the library in many ways.